About Me

This Catholic Body is about learning how to be a productive Catholic in a challenging world. It is a place where you’ll find real posts about my very real adventure as a religious Catholic living the life of a college dropout and entrepreneur

I’m 23, I’m a girl, I’m an entrepreneur, a pro-life activist, a creative writer, a traveler, and a blogger--and all of this is possible because I am a traditional CATHOLIC. It is through this blog that I share the insights and experiences I gain from my crazy life.

I was raised on Guam USA, a culturally Catholic island in the Marianas. During my time in college, I was told that I am “anti-institution,” and, in spite of the thought “Uh...I’m Catholic” flashing through my head, I had to agree to the extent that my homeschooling/entrepreneurial/large family upbringing left me ill-suited to fitting into conventional boxes (ie. college, job, etc).

I hope you find my blog entertaining at the very least! And I’m looking forward to meeting you through your feedback!

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