Friday, July 25, 2014

Casual Vacancy Book Review

A brutal, gritty snapshot of internally bleeding modern families. Very insightful and honest. I think Rowling wanted to send a message with this one. Character analysis would be so much fun with this book (nerd-sigh). 

*for adult readers only. Definitely not refined or pleasant,  when it comes to the events of the story, due to Rowling's apparent desire to show it like it is while at the same time weaving together a compelling story. 

Her writing style has blossomed into something that often had me in awe as I read the book. It was almost like reading Jane Eyre--amazing writing style, strangely romantic but unpleasant story.

I highly recommend it!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Extra Gelato

I've worked in a lot of places. One of those places was a gelato shop. 
I think one of the best things about having worked in different places and met different people is that sometimes it results in an extra scoop of triple chocolate gelato.
So glad to have moved on, though. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Night-Time Thought on Economics: Tithing

Matthew Kelly said that tithing is life-changing. 
He and his wife increase the amount they give away little by little. That's a good approach to start with. 

Tithing really is an act of faith--you have to trust that by giving your hard-earned money away, you will receive some sort of blessing in return, and that your money will be used for the Glory of God.

Kelly said that Catholics need to be taught more about money--how to earn it, how to spend it, and how to give it away. That's certainly something I'm learning how to do as I contue in my journey of self-employment and freedom.

Money is meaningless unless we put it in God's hands.

St. Margaret Clitheroe, patroness of business women, orate pro nobis.