Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You Aren't Dead Yet!

Had a thought today:

I'm tired of running into people who feel like they're at a dead end in their lives. They spend too much time saying things like "I'm a bad person," "I'm not good enough," or "I don't deserve ___." I also can't stand it when they act and talk like they know what they want, and yet never do anything to make it happen. There are people walking around, saying they're positive--but really, they're not, because they lack self-belief and they don't ask God for help. 

As Catholics/entrepreneurs/people who want to be great in what we do AND great at life, we know we aren't perfect. We know we have to keep pushing forward. Always. Always feeding our minds. Always taking risks. Always looking several steps ahead or just plunging forward when we know we have to. We do what we have to do when--or close to when--we have to do it.

I think we should encourage other people to do the same. We should encourage other people to break their own molds. If there are people around whom you usually bite your tongue, now is the time to charitably speak up--or walk away.

If YOU are one of those people who need to break out of feeling stuck financially; who keep making the same huge mistakes; who feel lost in your own mind; who feel discouraged because you think you lack luck or "good karma"; if you aren't where you want to be--if you feel like you aren't good/smart/successful enough--FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO CHANGE, and never stop reaching for where you need to be.

Les Brown memorably said: 

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream.”

YOU ARE NOT DEAD YET. You are not what happened to you, and you, through God's grace, control who you are in the present and future. Stop making excuses, and stop settling for mediocrity.
(This is me standing outside of Notre Dame about 24 hours before ISIS attacked Paris. I'll be writing a post about all that soon...I hope.)

I honestly feel like I had a close shave coming out of Paris. I know that God got me out of there right on time for a reason--I also think he let me experience that kind of scare for a reason. He reminded me that he MADE me for a reason, and that I shouldn't spend my life living in a bubble of mediocrity because of my own lack of self-belief.

He made you for a reason, too. Break your mold today! You are meant for more.